Our Products

The City Of Ascalon™

Explore this historical city in your own games. System agnostic and 100% OGL-free!

Four Play™

You've never seen an RPG like this before. Brings back the old-world thrill of dice-rolling. 100% OGL-free!

The Cremation Towers of Stürmwasser

Baron Blasé failed to remove the signet ring from his father's hand before the corpse was sent off for creamation. Can the party retrieve it before it melts down into the baronial ashes? 100% OGL-free!

Four Play™ Packages

Packages for your Four Play™ game, whatever genre you choose! Proclivities, competencies, and equipment are all covered in this massive volume.


The Coming Of The Lord And Other Fables

A collection of short fiction from our editor, to use as inspiration or pass the hours.

Unnamed Novel

A novel from one of our writers, title TBD later.

Magic Weapons And Enchanted Objects in History And Literature

Gathered together in once place, with copious notes and sumptuous illustrations, this volume will look good on a coffee table or in a bookcase.

Paper Laughs

A history of lost humor magazines from the beginning to the middle of the 20th century.

Cox Suckers

A history of my 40 years inside the world's largest privately owned cable company/communications business.

The Coming Of The Lord And Other Fables

A collection of miscellaneous short stories sure to entertain and provoke thought.